Yogic Lifestyle Coaching
What is a Yogic Lifestyle?
A yogic lifestyle uses the ancient wisdom of the Vedas as a foundation for transformation and integration of one's whole self: body, mind and spirit. As we begin to integrate all the aspects of one's self through the many facets of the Vedas, one begins to experience a sense of "balance" in life. Once we begin to find this "balance", our conflicts and their solutions become illuminated, and the path becomes clear.
What is Yogic Lifestyle Coaching, and why is it useful for me?
When we have conflict in our lives, it affects us physically, mentally and emotionally. The conflict might be coming from within (ex. I can't figure out where my true path lies?) or it could be something we are experiencing with others around us (ex. My family and I are unable to communicate and we argue all the time?). A conflict might even be lying dormant within us from long ago, and is now disguised as a physical limitation or an illness (ex. I've had digestive problems ever since I was five years old when my parents got divorced). Yogic lifestyle coaching is a wholistic approach that aims to help the individual heal and transform the root cause of that issue. It is a personal process that will often include the use of Patanjali's yoga sutras, ayurveda, vedic astrology, yoga practices; including asana (postures), pranayama (breath work), shatkarmas (yogic cleanses), mantra and meditation, as well as intuition; to bring a sense of balance to mind, body and emotions. Within a yogic lifestyle coaching session you will be given practices or tools that will empower you to do the work necessary to bring about a change in your life. These tools and/or practices are designed specifically for you, and for what is most accessible and effective for your life. You will then be able to continue to use these tools/practices in the future to help you stay on your path towards health, happiness, and peace of mind!
Yogic Lifestyle Coaching Sessions:
Private/Semi-Private - $100 per hour
Buy a Wellness package and save on multiple sessions! Customize your wellness journey and show up for your self-care consistently!
10 HOUR PACKAGE - $850
Zac & Rachel both have their own unique approach to Yogic Lifestyle Coaching that reflects their training and areas of expertise. Visit the the About Page to learn more about them and see what resonates.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Zac is currently unable to take on any new clients at this time. Contact Rachel Jackson to be added to his waitlist. Thank you!